
2017年4月11日 星期二

如何令DSE Chem考生安心上路(2)

距離考試得返1日,基本上除左再睇返自己做Past Paper錯過的部分外,亦都要抽幾個鐘時間背返以下的部分 (括號為有關內容的課題)︰

1. Metal reactivity series (Metal)
2. Colour of different ions (Ionic bond)
3. Reaction of metal ions with alkali (邊d metal ions 同NaOH或NH3 混合會出precipitate,出的顏色是甚麼,哪幾個會溶於excess NaOH / NH3) (Reaction of alkalis, acids & bases)
4. Salt solubility (Acids & bases)
5. pH indicator (Acids & bases)
6. Common oxidizing agent & reducing agent & their products (Redox)
(e.g. KMnO4 / H+ 、反應後生成Mn2+)
7. Molecular shape同埋會出現唔同shape所需的bond pair & lone pair數量 (Mic. world II)
(e.g. 當個molecule的bond pair及lone pair數量分別為3和1,molecular shape就是trigonal pyramidal)
8. Reactions of organic compounds (Org. Chem)
9. Chemical tests for substances (e.g. O2, CO2, SO2, Cl-, aldehyde, alkanol) (An. Chem)

- Addition polymers (polyethene, polypropene, polystyrene, polyvinyl chloride, Perspex)
(Org. Chem)
- Zinc-carbon cell (Redox)
- Structure of aspirin, detergent & condensation polymer (唔使記monomer的 (structural) formula,但起碼要知condensation polymer 1) 最少有兩個monomers及 2) 兩個monomer以condensation砌完之後會拆d small molecules出黎) (Org. Chem)
- Chemical formula of the oxides of elements from Period 2 & 3 (Pattern in Chemical World)
- Haber process, Ostwald Process, Production of methanol & Electrolysis of concentrated sodium chloride solution (mercury flow cell & membrane cell) (Industrial Chem.)
- Separating methods and relevant labelled diagrams (An. chem)

基本上頭9項大家keep住做past paper就唔會差得去邊,但因為算常考的部分所以建議背得幾多得幾多。如果有d冇信心驚考試個下發瘟唔記得就開考連完barcode就黎手寫埋d野落d空位度。

1. 諗返呢3年學過d乜野、有幾多野係唔識學到識、畀返d正能量自己。就算做唔到保險佬既境界都好都唔好再被d負能量纏繞自己;去到考試時要提醒自己一樣野︰你唔係唔識條題目點做,而係未諗到點做、未諗到就飛左先,之後先返轉頭做。
2. 臨考個晚唔好太搏殺、休息多D好過;考試個朝唔好再做revision、無謂令自己更加焦慮。
3. 開考做第1題之前掃一掃整份卷、睇睇d題目問乜,等自己有多d心理準備會面對咩問題。
4. 大部分人應該都清楚,考完千祈唔好上網搵solution,岩左唔會有幾多成功感、錯左只會打沉自己士氣,影響下一份卷表現。


