
2015年11月29日 星期日

有關Molecular symmetry 的題目

Which of the following best represents the reaction of (CH3)3N with BF3 to form (CH3)3NBF3?

要答這條題目就得留意三隻反應物和生成物的分子形狀。N(CH33N5粒最外層電子,有3粒和CH3組共價鍵,另外2粒閒置著,所以一共有3Bond pairs1lone pair。由這組合得知這分子的形狀是Trigonal pyramidal (所以C)。接著是BF3B3粒最外層電子,3粒全用作組單鍵,所以有3Bond pair,所以BF3的形狀是Trigonal planar (AD)

雖然同學已經知道答案,但亦應留意生成物的形狀。Nitrogen atom透過將Lone pair electrons分享給Boron atom而得出dative covalent bond,所以B現在有4bond pairs、由planar變成Tetrahedral shape。而Choice A的生成物亦不對(N4bond pair所以亦應是tetrahedral shape)

Draw the respective electronic structures of BF3 and NF3. Hence, deduce the shape of each species. (3 marks)

分子形狀來來去去都是由Central atomsbond pairlone pair的數量決定︰


There are 3 bond- pairs (no lone-pair) in the outermost shell of B. To minimize electronic repulsion, the 3 bond-pairs in BF3 will be arranged in a trigonal planar shape. (1.5)


There are 3 bond-pairs and 1 lone-pair in the outermost shell of N. The electron pairs in NF­3 will also be arranged tetrahedrally. The molecule is trigonal pyramidal in shape. The bond angle < 109o as repulsion between lone-pair and bond-pair is stronger than that between bond-pair and bond-pair. (1.5)
(DSE不需知道Bond angle,上文提及的Bond angle純粹希望大家更清楚不同分子的形狀)

Which of the following molecules is planar?
A.          BF­3
B.          NH3
C.          CH4
D.         PCl5

A: Boron atom3粒最外層電子,3Bond pairs0Lone pair à Trigonal planar shape (Planar)
B: Nitrogen atom5粒最外層電子,3Bond pairs1Lone pair à Trigonal pyramidal shape (Not a planar)
C: Carbon atom4粒最外層電子,4Bond pairs0Lone pair à Tetrahedral shape (Not a planar)
D: Phosphorus atom5粒最外層電子,5Bond pairs0 Lone pair àTrigonal bipyramidal shape (Not a planar)

事實上得兩款組合可以得出planar shapes
1.          1/2Bond pair à Linear shape (e.g. HCl / CO2)
2.          3Bond pair à Trigonal planar shape (e.g. BCl3)

Consider the nitrogen compound NCl3.
(i) Draw the electron diagram of NCl3, showing electrons in the outermost shells only.

Nitrogen atom需要多3粒電子,3Chlorine atom各需要1粒電子,所以N3Cl分別組成共價單鍵就可滿足雙方要求

記得Nitrogen atomChlorine atom要分別用點或交差來顯示電子的不同來源。

(ii) The shape of NCl3 is similar to that of NH3. Explain why this is so. (total 3 marks)

因為大家都有一樣數量的Bond pair 及 Lone pair,所以電子對之間的排斥相近︰

The nitrogen in NCl3 and that in NH­3 both have the same number of electron bond-pairs and lone electron pairs / have three electron bond-pairs and one lone electron pair in their outermost shells. (1)

The repulsion between these electron pairs causes both NCl3 and NH3 to adopt a trigonal pyramidal shape. (1)

